Wave Tapestry

Glazed ceramic and gold lustre, handbuilt coil technique
44 × 43 × 9 cm

About the artist

Bettina Willner-Browne (1969, Australia) works in Melbourne (Naarm), Australia. Practicing over two decades, Willner drawsinspiration from the natural world, helping shape her ceramic sculptures and drawings. Walks in nature along the Australian southern coast bring forth layers of curls, twists, and coils into her hand-built sculptures. Time and the helical nature of ideas and experience also underpin her work. Memory and her subjective relationship to ancient cities, architecture, both organic and ofhuman design are also present in the development of her ideas and forms.Glistening bronze, stipples of blue black and red glazes coat clay drawings,reflecting the deep thought and connection Willner has to the aura of time andnature. Ornamentation is present in Willner’s work drawing on Baroque aestheticsand art history. Like the snakes of Caravaggio’s Medusa, Willner celebratesan ornamentation that desires complexity, metaphysical connection andmultiplicity.