Squared Tall Pot

Stoneware, glaze 
Height: 23 cm

About the artist

Lucie Rie was born in 1902 in Vienna, where she studied at the Kunstgewerbeschule, a school of applied arts that was founded in the same period in which the Secession was born. In 1938 she moved to London. Here she opened her studio, dedicated to the production of buttons and ceramic, where Hans Coper worked with her, since 1946.Lucie Rie and Hans Coper exposed their works in many shows organized at the Berkeley Galleries, from 1949.At the end of 1980s Lucie met Anita Besson, the owner of the Galerie Besson, in London. Anita Besson often exhibited the works of Lucie and Hans, because she would like to promote ceramic art.In her artworks Lucie Rie tried to reach “the perfect minimization of the form”, as Flaminio Gualdoni defined it. The essentiality of the form has always been the focus of her artistic research.She died in 1995, when she was 93 years old.