April 3rd - July 14th 2014
Officine Saffi
Via Aurelio Saffi 7, 20123, Milano
Officine Saffi Award represents an international observatory in the field of contemporary research in the two areas, Art Ceramics and Design Ceramics, with the objective of identifying episodes of excellence and the most innovative trends in terms of language and technique. An international jury, composed by Cinzia Bitossi (Bitossi Ceramiche), Laura Borghi (owner of Officine Saffi, creator and promoter of the prize), Claudia Casali (director of the International Ceramics Museum, Faenza), Jennifer Lee (artist), Jukka Savolainen (director of the Helsinki Design Museum), and Tomoko Tanioka (TOGAKUDO gallery), awarded the winners of the first edition of Officine Saffi Award:

Jozsef Simon Zsolt (Hungary, 1973) for the Art category
"The vase – or rather the negative form of a vase – is a fascinating study of the notion of form and materiality in this age of technology and 3D printing. The technical detailing and unfinished surface of the piece creates a myriad of questions for the viewer, while maintaining the aesthetic beauty of an art piece, thus communicating on various levels as a true artwork does".  (The Jury)

Margareta Daepp (Switzerland, 1959) for the Design category

"For her skill in combining the functionality of an object with a clean, simple geometry, in a rational interaction between space and volumes, balanced by a complex decoration of eastern flavour, a motif that is both historical and modern, and wholly part of the object, contributing to the creation of new aesthetic dimensions".  (The Jury)

In addition to the first prizes in the two categories, another three awards were assigned: Ezster Imre (Hungary, 1985) received a special commendation from the Carlo Zauli Museum, Faenza. The award also includes the possibility of working as an assistant alongside one of the artists hosted as part of the Museum’s Artists’ Residency programme, designed to promote the use of ceramics in contemporary art. Vanessa Redondo (Venezuela, 1987) was awarded the special prize for young artists under the age of 30, offered by the historic ceramics factory Bitossi Ceramiche. Redondo will have the opportunity of taking a training internship at the company. Ann van Hoey (1956, Belgium) received a special commendation from the company Wiffa Srl.

The finalists

Art Section:

Palma Babos (HU)
Barness Eliasov Einav (IL)
Calcagno Silvia Celeste (IT)
Curneen Claire (IE)
Eandrade Alfredo (AR)
Eastman Ken (UK)
Favelli Flavio (IT)
Galliani Michelangelo (IT)
Hartmann Rasmussen Malene (DK)
Kino Satoshi (JP)
Manz Bodil (DK)
Perez Rafael (ES)
Nomura Ayaka (JP)
Perryman Jane (UK)
Polloniato Paolo (IT)
Salvatori Andrea (IT)
Shaw Mella (UK)
Tuominen Nittylä Kati (FI)
Zsolt Jozsef Simon (HU)

Design Section

Daepp Margareta (CH) 
Demo Paolo (IT)
Desaules Jean-Marc (CH)
Hoogeboom Peter (NL)
Imre Eszter (HU)
Jung Minji (KR)
Karakaya Betul (TR)
Lacruz Gloria (ES)
Lancellotti Luigi Massimo (IT)
Redondo Angel Vanessa (VE)
Van Hoey Ann (BE)
Venables Prue (AU)

The event is staged in cooperation with:
Partner: Wiffa Sky Frame 
Sponsor: Banca Euromobiliare

With the Patronage of Comune di Milano